Weekend message Nov 12
Dear friends,
The Communion of Saints: “Think of the love that the Father has lavished on us, by letting us be called God’s children, and that is what we are” , as St. John writes (1 John 3:1). Earlier in the same letter he has explained his reasons for writing: “so that you too may be in union with us, as we are in union with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” (1 John 1:3).
Fellowship with God comes about because he has sent his Son to us to share our human nature. In Jesus Christ, God commits himself to be ‘for us’, and invites every one of us into union with himself. Jesus is God’s Beloved Son, and as we are all invited to be in union with Jesus, who shares our human nature, so we are invited in Jesus to become a communion among ourselves with him, to form the body of Christ.
“I and my Father are one” said Our Lord; Father and Son are one in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit is likewise the motive force uniting the members of the fellowship of the Church. Although there are many differences between each member of the Body, since each one of us has been created by God as an individual, and God has been pleased to endow each one of us with a variety of talents and calls to serve, we are united by more than just a common purpose. We are united by the Holy Spirit, to be the Body of Christ, carrying out God’s purpose in the world.
In the Holy Spirit we are all united with all those who have died ‘in Christ’ and with all those who have gone before us having done the will of the Father. The Communion of Saints extends throughout the whole world, with no limitation of space or extent, and also extends through all history, with no limitation of time.
Each one of us is carried along the path of salvation by the whole people, for it has pleased God that we should be called to salvation, not as individuals without social ties, but as a people, the People of God. When any one prays, he or she prays in and with and through the Church; and when the Church prays, the People of God prays for each member, living or dead. The prayer of the members, individually or collectively, is taken upon by the Holy Spirit as the prayer of Christ himself, and presented to our heavenly Father.
November is the month of special prayer for those who have died. It is the prayer of members of the Body of Christ who are alive for the salvation of all those who have died. As the prayer of Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, it is an effective prayer, for God cannot do other than listen to the prayer of his beloved Son. As we pray for the faithful departed, we pray also for ourselves, that we also may be united with them to the glory of God.
Preparing for the Synod: in our Parishes:
Pope Francis wants all of us to be involved in preparing for the Synod. As a first stage in this preparation, Bishop Patrick asks us all to consider three questions:
- What is my dream for the Church, and in particular for this parish, so that it can become more outward-looking, more missionary?
- To achieve this dream, what do we need to stop doing?
- What do we need to do differently or to develop further?
We are encouraged to attend parish meetings to discuss these questions. Other questions will be proposed for our discussion at meetings later in November and early December, and again in January. Since late autumn and early winter are not the best times for asking people to come out to attend meetings (particularly in these covid-and flu affected times) I propose that we all reflect on these questions, write down our thoughts, and there will be a box in both Churches to receive them. Also, I suggest that after all the Masses this weekend, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th November, the parish hall or the Church itself will be available for those who wish to meet and discuss these questions further. I will attend these gatherings, though after Sunday morning Mass in Narborough I will have to leave in time to go to Lutterworth for Mass at 11.
If anyone has any better ideas – and in particular ideas for other meetings to discuss these questions – please let me know by email (johnhadley1971@gmail.com).
This weekend is the Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year: Remembrance Sunday
Seafarers’ Christmas Shoebox Appeal: Several shoeboxes, bags of products or knitted hats have already been received – so please help raise a wall of boxes and bring your contribution (boxes or products) anytime now. Can I ask for everything to be in by 5th December please. Leave either at the church or if collection is required contact the office or telephone Trevor on 01162773280.
Anyone who wants a shoebox please let us know, anyone with a spare shoebox please bring and leave at church. Many thanks for the wonderful contributions from the four Parishes now involved.
Items for Sea Farers – Christmas Boxes
Face Flannels Tissues Toothpaste Notepaper Toothbrushes Envelopes Shampoo Pens Shower Gel Hats After Shave Woollen Mittens Shaving Gear Socks Nivea Chocolate* Moisturisers Nuts* Lip Salve Biscuits*
*All foods must have a long use by date
Please include a Christmas card from:
‘Friends at St. Pius X Church Narborough/ Our Lady of Victories & St. Alphonsus, Lutterworth’
Confessions: I will hear confessions from 9 until 9.30am on Saturdays at St. Pius X, Narborough; and from 4.30pm to 5.00pm on the first Saturday of the month at Our Lady of Victories & St. Alphonsus, Lutterworth.
Time of Mass on Sunday at Narborough: Mass on Sunday at St. Pius X will start at 9.30am. Mass on Saturday and on Monday will remain at 10am. This has enabled me to speak to some people after Mass at St. Pius X in the Parish Hall, and still arrive in Lutterworth in time to start Mass approximately on time. I am very grateful to you all for your understanding about the need for an earlier time of Mass at St. Pius X, which I have found very beneficial for my ministry to those attending Mass in both Churches.
For the next few weeks there will be no advance booking for Mass at St. Pius X. Stewards and welcomers will be at the door of the Church as before, and your name will be noted on the list, or else you will be asked to provide your name and a contact. You will also be asked to sanitize your hands on arrival. If this works well for the next few weeks, it will not be necessary to return to the prior booking arrangement, unless government advice changes again.
At St. Pius X, Narborough:
Times of Mass for next weekend:
- 10am Saturday 20th November;
- 9.30am Sunday 21st;
- 10am Monday 22nd.
At Our Lady of Victories & St. Alphonsus, Lutterworth:
Mass will also be celebrated on Thursday morning at 10.30am. We are grateful to Father Maloney for agreeing to celebrate this Mass.
Times of Mass next Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday:
- 5.30pm on Saturday 20th November;
- 11am on Sunday 21st;
- 10.30am Tuesday 23rd;
- 10.30am Thursday 25th.
At Narborough the intentions for Mass this week will be Saturday (13th November) Michael Teeling; Sunday (14th) David Smith RIP; Monday (15th) Mr D & Mrs B Martin RIP. Wednesday Theresa & Brian Foster RIP; Thursday Jerry O’Connor RIP. Next weekend Saturday (20th November) All deceased members of our parishes; Sunday (21st) Al deceased members of our families and friends; Monday (22nd) Daphne Toogood RIP.
At Lutterworth the intentions for Mass will be: Saturday (13th November) 5.30pm The Holy Souls; Sunday (14th) People of the Parishes; Tuesday (16th) Holy Souls. Next Saturday (20th) 5.30pm All our deceased parishioners; Next Sunday (21st) All deceased members of our families and friends; Next Tuesday (23rd) People of the Parishes.
Prayers for the living and the dead:
Please pray for Brigid Davies, Vincent Roe, Joseph McGrady, Jacob Crawshaw, Father Hugh Doherty, Father Patrick O’Docherty, and for all who have died recently.
Please also pray for John Southern, Monica Teeling, Peggy Merrell, Jane Bolsover, Suzanne Foxon, Jim Oxley, Beulah Blomfield, Tom McDermott, Dave Knapper, Teresa Maugham, Mary Dunne, and Juanita Zaman and for all who are ill.
Please let me know of any others who have died, or anyone who is ill and asks for prayers.
Remembering those who have died:
‘Dead List’ envelopes are available at St. Pius X for you to write down the names of those who have died, who will be remembered in prayer throughout November, the month of special prayer for those who have died. If you wish Mass to be said for them, please enclose an offering for the Mass. At Our Lady of Victories, please do the same – though we do not have bespoke envelopes there.
During the month of November, it would be appropriate to celebrate Mass for those who have died in our communities, and from among our families, friends, and neighbours, during the past two years, whether directly due to the pandemic or not, and also to pray for all those who have died directly or indirectly from the coronavirus. Next weekend, the Feast of Christ the King, I will offer Mass in both parishes for these intentions.
First Holy Communion: Those preparing to make their First Confession and First Holy Communion will meet on Saturday mornings at St. Pius X Parish Hall, and on Sunday mornings at Our Lady of Victories & St. Alphonsus Parish Hall. I am very grateful to those who have already indicated that they wish to be included. Candidates should be in Year 3 at school from September (or older).
Confirmation: Bishop Patrick is willing to start administering the sacrament of Confirmation. I am grateful to those who have already said they wish to be confirmed. Are there any others who would like to join the group? Please let me have any names and contact details. Candidates for Confirmation should be in secondary education (or older) in September this year. I have tried to contact all candidates to arrange for preparation to begin. If you asked to be included in the preparation for Confirmation and have not received an email from me, please let me know.
Social Activities: can resume. However, “It is strongly recommended that a risk assessment for both the activity and the space is completed for the gathering.”
Next weekend is the Feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
Reminders from previous weeks:
Home Visits, including Holy Communion for housebound people: These are now permitted, but anyone visiting a housebound person (whether to administer Holy Communion or just a visit) should not visit anyone else during the same morning or afternoon. Visits should be short (in order to minimize the likelihood of passing on an infection) and hand sanitization must be used before and after the visit. If you would like a home visit, or know anyone who would like to be visited, please let Father John know.
Financial matters:
Standing Orders: I will provide the parish Bank details to anyone who would like to donate by Standing Order or similar electronic means – many of you already do so (and I am very grateful indeed). I can provide standing order mandates for anyone who wishes – please just ask.
Gift Aid: I have copies of the form to complete, so if you are a taxpayer and would like the tax paid on your contributions to be given to the parish, please ask me for a form.
Recycling Textiles: At the moment the firm are no longer collecting in the Leicester area and has no plans to restart collections here. I hope to have better news soon.
**Important notice concerning car parking** Please park in the Church car parks whenever possible. If that is not possible, for whatever reason, please ensure that you are not causing an obstruction of the roadway or driveways to properties, and please remember that homeowners may wish to park outside their own homes. Please exercise Christian Charity when parking your car.
With my prayers for your wellbeing and salvation, Father John